Member News Category
REMINDER: You must be a Friends of the Library member to buy books at the Friday Pre-Sale. JOIN SCFOL at the Sale and BUY BOOKS! This is another great way to support the library and meet other Friends. On the day before the first-Saturday-of-the-month SCFOL Used Book Sales, current members of the Friends of the Library are invited to purchase fiction books and media materials in the Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery. Current author hardbacks sell for... Continue Reading >
WHERE: San Carlos Branch Library
WHEN: During the week to sort donated books and/or on the first Saturday of every month, for 2-3 hours from 9:00 am, until all of the non-purchased items are boxed up and put away. Many hands will make the job go faster.
QUALIFICATIONS: A love of libraries, books, and people. A strong back helps too. We would love to have some young people join us. We would be happy to write college letters of recommendations for teen... Continue Reading >
Click Library Shop to learn about all they have to offer. There's more to them than just books.
Shop Hours: Mon-Tues - 11:30 am - 5:30 pm and Wed-Sat - 10:30 am - 5:30 pm
The Library Shop currently offers $5.95 Flat Rate Shipping.
The Library Shop is not just a well-curated gift and book shop. It is a non-profit book & gift store located in the courtyard of the Downtown Central Library sponsored by the FSDPL & the SDPL Foundation. As the Downtown... Continue Reading >
It's a New Year! Remember, you must renew your annual Friends of the Library membership in order to enjoy the monthly, members' only, SCFOL Friday Pre-Book Sales. SCFOL ANNUAL Memberships are a real bargain: $5 for Seniors or Youth; $10 for one adult; $20 for a Family (dual adult). Sponsor ($50), Contributor ($100) and Patron ($1000) membership levels are always appreciated.
INDIVIDUAL LIFE Memberships are only $250. Send your check before October 30 to have you name added next... Continue Reading >
This year’s annual SCFOL General Membership meeting will be held Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 4:00-5:30 pm, in the San Carlos Branch Library’s Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery. All SCFOL members are invited to attend. Find out what's happening in 2025 at the San Carlos Branch Library.
The agenda will include:
SCFOL President Bill Bischoff: Introduction of guests, new 2024 SCFOL Life Members (Sandi Calabough Sue Dennis, and Lisa King), and speaker.
SPEAKER: Past President of SCFOL & FSDPL,... Continue Reading >