San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Adult Programs Category

OASIS: Unlocking the Power of Sleep.

  Join us on Friday, February 21, 2-3 p.m., in the San Carlos Branch Library's Community Room & Art Gallery to learn how you can "Unlock the Power of Sleep." National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Montserrat Garcia, delves into the vital role of sleep on our physical well-being. Discover how prioritizing sleep can unlock a pathway to vitality, resilience, and overall health. Participants will gain valuable insights and actionable tips for improving sleep habits by exploring the stages of sleep, factors influencing... Continue Reading >

January 1-31: Winter Reading Challenge

WINTER READING CHALLENGE:  "Be a Reading Machine"  Open to all age groups. Read a combination of books and hours, or complete Be a Reading Machine activities to claim prizes. Challenge runs from January 1-31.  Prizes will be available for pickup at your branch from Jan. 3 – Feb.  7.  More details available at  Be A Reading Machine.  This winter, dive into the world of engineering, robots, inventions, and artificial intelligence with this all-ages reading challenge! Explore exciting books and hands-on activities... Continue Reading >

All about ART at the San Carlos Branch Library

Each month, the San Carlos Friends of the Library sponsors artists who show their works in the San Carlos Branch Library's Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery which may be entered through the double doors in the Children's area or the doors just inside the left side entrance to the library. The art takes many forms and is not limited to watercolor, oils or photography.  Admission is FREE to all Art shows and Receptions. A Reception for the Artist is usually held... Continue Reading >

Art Shows & Reception SCHEDULE

   Artist Receptions are held on the 3rd Saturday of the month, noon-2 p.m., in the Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery, unless otherwise noted.      JANUARY 8 – FEBRUARY 3 (Reception-January 18) DREW BANDISH and his students (DREW’S ART PALS)  will be showing their watercolor and colored pencil works; FEBRUARY 5 – MARCH 29 (Reception-March 15) COLLEEN SWESEY -Quilts;  APRIL 2 – MAY 5 (Reception-April 19) KATHERINE KENNNEDY-Oils; MAY 7 – MAY 31 (Reception-May 17) MARIETTA COHEN; JUNE 4 –  JUNE 30 (Reception-June 21)... Continue Reading >

JANUARY Artist: Drew Bandish and “Drew’s Art Pals”

January 8 - February 3,  popular San Diego retired art instructor Drew Bandish  and a group of his students, Drew's Art Pals, will fill the San Carlos Branch Library's Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery with their wonderful watercolors and colored pencil drawings.  Don't miss their show which will include Plein Air paintings of familiar San Diego locals.  Meet the artists at their Artist Reception on Saturday, January 18, noon - 2 p.m., when you will also have an... Continue Reading >