San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Mail-in Ballot Drop-off at San Carlos Branch Library

The General Election is TUESDAY, November 5, 2024. San Carlos Branch Library is an official/monitored mail-in ballot drop-off only location for your signed  & completed mail-in ballot. The Drop-Box is located outside the library. Below is the Drop Box Schedule: 10/7/2024 - Ballot Drop Boxes unlocked by Ballot Security Teams. 10/8/2024-11/4/2024 - Ballot Drop Boxes officially available for voters 24/7. 11/5/2024 - Ballot Drop Boxes available 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. All boxes to be locked at 8:00 p.m. by library staff. The SCBL is NOT an in-person polling site. As a US Citizen, voting is your right and responsibility. YOUR VOTE COUNTS  In-person voting  QUESTIONS?  go to     Continue Reading >


Become a FIEND! Revenue from your memberships, donations and Friends' Used Book Sale purchases, is a source of funds that allows the San Carlos Branch to purchase materials, programs, and equipment.  Annually, Friends' donations are matched by the City of San Diego up to a limit set by the City's budget for the SDPL system, thus doubling the value of your financial support. October is national JOIN the FRIENDS of the LIBRARY month. Join NOW and your membership is good until December 31, 2025.  SCFOL ANNUAL Memberships are a real bargain: $5 for  Seniors or Youth; $10 for one adult;... Continue Reading >

SEPTEMBER 20: SD Emergency Response Team

  Friday, September 20, 2-3pm, in the SCBL Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery, hear what you need to  do when disaster strikes your neighborhood.  Carie Chouinard from the San Diego Community Emergency Response Team-CERT, will bring you up to date. During the first few hours and days after a disaster strikes, emergency services could be overwhelmed, leaving families, neighbors and businesses on their own for hours or days. San Diego Fire-Rescue personnel train and empower citizens in safe, effective neighborhood CERT teams. CERT San Diego instructors teach citizens to take life-saving action to help their communities get through the first... Continue Reading >