SCFOL Volunteer Category
SCFOL Membership Chair, Kathy Ruiz, joined the San Carlos Friends of the Library in 2018, soon after her retirement from the City of San Diego. Ruiz was elected to the SCFOL Board in 2024, replacing Bobbi Dennis. Bobbi retired in 2024 from the Board and as Membership Chair; she also served over 20 years as a Book Sale Cashier. We thank Bobbi for all of her hours volunteering, and welcome Kathy Ruiz to the SCFOL Board and as our... Continue Reading >
Marcy Andersen was elected to the San Carlos Friends of the Library Board in 2024, to replace our longtime Officer and Board Secretary, Evie McGhee. We thank her for stepping up to fill this very important volunteer position. Here is what Marcy tells us about her love of books, and how she became involved in SCFOL.
Marcy worked in hospitals her whole life in medical records-related management positions, in Illinois where she was born, and more recently in California. She’s... Continue Reading >
We’re excited to welcome Renita Gidlund as our new website editor! She’ll be helping take over this duty from our publicity chair, Sue Hotz, to keep the website updated and easy to use.
Renita has been a San Carlos resident since 2015 and has worked as a software developer for the past two years after transitioning from a career working with children. She and her family are big fans of the library and the Friends of the Library book sale, especially... Continue Reading >
Joan Hayes, after 7 years serving as our eighth SCFOL President, turned the President's gavel over to Bill Bischoff, who was elected to the President's position at our annual SCFOL General Membership meeting held at the San Carlos Branch Library, November 16, 2022. Joan Hayes will remain as a very valuable Member of the SCFOL Board.
Many of you know Bischoff as a SCFOL Board Member and Volunteer Chair, so he is not new to our SCFOL members, especially those who... Continue Reading >
WHERE: San Carlos Branch Library
WHEN: During the week to sort donated books and/or on the first Saturday of every month, for 2-3 hours from 9:00 am, until all of the non-purchased items are boxed up and put away. Many hands will make the job go faster.
QUALIFICATIONS: A love of libraries, books, and people. A strong back helps too. We would love to have some young people join us. We would be happy to write college letters of recommendations for teen... Continue Reading >