San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

November 1 @ 1-3 pm: SCFOL Pre-Used-Book-Sale for Friends Members-only

SC LOGO ll (3) JOIN SCFOL at the Sale and BUY BOOKS!  This is another great way to support the library and meet other Friends.  On the day before the first-Saturday-of-the-month SCFOL Used Book Sales, current members of the Friends of the Library are invited to purchase fiction books and media materials in the Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery. Current author hardbacks sell for the best price in town. The pre-sale is our way of thanking SCFOL members for their support of the San Carlos Branch Library. There’s lots more elbow room too. We will have an updated SCFOL membership list on hand but having your card with you will save time.

Remember: Annual SCFOL memberships must be renewed every January 1st; you may join or renew SCFOL memberships at the Book Sales. Membership envelopes are always available at the library and completed ones may be given to a librarian. Please  completely fill out the required information in order to receive your card and e-mail newsletters. It’s also an opportunity to let us know if you would like to become a SCFOL volunteer.

We accept only CASH or CHECKS at all SCFOL Used Book Sales. Other payment methods require hardware, software, and training. They also charge the seller (SCFOL) a percentage of the sales. We prefer that all of the book sale revenues be used to support the needs of your library.

