San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Author Archive

40th Anniversary GALA

2014 brought with it the January celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the San Carlos Branch Library.  All year, we will be “Honoring the Past, and Building for the Future.”  On January 8th, crafty crafters “Yarn Bombed” the outside of the library---its railings, sign posts, trees—anything that didn’t move—they wrapped up in over 10 MILES of colorful yarn.  The display will remain as weather permits. The January 12th GALA was attended by over 100 library supporters.  Awesome music was provided... Continue Reading >


SCFOL Treasurer Jerry Hotz and Ann McDonald, past President of both the SCFOL & FSDPL , add a financial gift to the SCFOL GIVING TREE at the SCFOL sponsored 40th Anniversary GALA of the San Carlos Branch Library.  By evening's end, those present had decorated the tree with gift bags totaling $500 plus multiple new SCFOL Memberships.  Thank you one and all.  This represents the first step in our  fund raising campaign for a new San Carlos Branch Library.  Have you seen the... Continue Reading >

Have You Seen the NEW San Carlos Branch Library Sign?

In honor of the 40th Anniversary (January 9, 1974-2014) of the San Carlos Branch Library,     Domusstudio Architecture Principals Lew Dominy, AIA & David Pfeifer, AIA,  donated a new sign depicting the proposed new San Carlos Branch Library and Community Center to be built on the present library's site and extending to the corner of Golfcrest & Jackson.  The old sign, put up years ago, had deteriorated beyond use.  The present 8000 sq. ft. structure is too small for our community's needs.  David Pfeifer has worked... Continue Reading >


January 9, 2014 marked our 40th Anniversary-- a banner year for the San Carlos Branch Library. Join us in “Honoring the Past, Building for the Future.” We planned a year full of fun activities for the whole family, starting at 3:00 pm on January 8, with a YARN WRAPPING (A.K.A. “bombing”) of the library.   A little like toilet papering, but done with yarn. Wikipedia defines it as “a type of street art that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn rather... Continue Reading >


 This has been an active and busy year for the Friends of the San Carlos Library. MEMBERSHIP Let me start by saying thank you to the twelve new Life Members at San Carlos.  We are so happy to have you and your support.  We also appreciate those of you, who renewed your membership and continued your support of the library, CENTRAL LIBRARY This was the year that the library system saw the completion of the new Central Library.  We are all happy to have... Continue Reading >