San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Author Archive

LIBRARY CLOSURE: March 9-April 2

The San Carlos Branch Library will be CLOSED from March 9 through April 2. We are planning to REOPEN on Friday, April 3.   Many of you may have noticed recent changes in the vestibule of the library by the rest rooms.  Even more changes are coming to make our library more accessible to our disabled community members. The long awaited ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) remodel to our restrooms, drinking fountains, door access, counters and a new 24 hour book... Continue Reading >

Meet LEE OTTMAN: SCFOL Volunteer Chair

VOLUNTEERS: What would we do without our SCFOL/library volunteers? Erma Bombeck once described a dream in which all of the volunteers sailed away to another land. Hospitals, libraries, schools and non-profits came to a standstill. Between July 1 and December 31, 2014, our SCFOL volunteers donated 4,427 hours….that’s equivalent to four and one-half FREE employees. THANK YOU!  We welcome Lee Ottman, our new SCFOL Volunteer Chair. This energetic lady will be updating our volunteer data base, and is asking current... Continue Reading >

Misty Jones is named Director of San Diego Library System

   Helping us “Build for the Future,” will be the San Diego Public Library System’s new Director, Misty Jones, who, following the July 1 retirement of Deborah Barrows, has served as its Interim Director. Misty has extensive leadership experience in all aspects of library management, and played an essential role in the decision making process for the design and function of our new San Diego Central Library. She has twelve years of library management experience, holds a master’s degree in... Continue Reading >

SCFOL Prez Sez: December, 2014

PREZ SEZ -- What a year 2014 has been!! We have taken this 40th Anniversary year to celebrate the work of the Library both in the past and present with an eye to the future. We began the year by honoring our past. What a magnificent history the San Carlos Branch Library has in this neighborhood. We have told our historical story in many ways, but two are particularly important. A video was made which highlighted the beginning of the Library as... Continue Reading >

SCFOL Honors the Past…Builds for the Future

  In the Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery of the San Carlos Branch Library, on November 19, 2014, at the SCFOL General Membership Annual Meeting, there was the unveiling of a special section of wall, honoring all SCFOL Life Members and Past Presidents. Present were SCFOL members, honored Life Members Rocky, Gene & Michael Winer (sons of Jack & Carolyn Winer), Past President Judy McCarty, SCFOL President Judy Williams, and Riley Webb representing Councilman Scott Sherman. Please stop by... Continue Reading >