San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Author Archive

March 1 @ 9:30-3:00: SCFOL Used Book Sale

THANK YOU for your support of SCFOL.  There was a minor price increase starting with the May sale...see below. We are still among the lowest prices anywhere. We need your gently used  book donations and your patronage at the Used Book Sales. Revenue from the SCFOL Used Book Sales is our primary funding source, but  SCFOL Memberships and your donations also add to the funds that the Friends donate to the Branch, allowing  the Library to purchase new materials, equipment and... Continue Reading >

Acknowledgement of SPECIAL DONATIONS to SCFOL

  We wish to thank all of those who have become Members of San Carlos Friends of the Library at the Life or Patron level, and  annual members at the Sponsor or Contributor Level. Individuals who donate $250 or more during one calendar year qualify for a Life Membership. Annually, the names of new Life Members will be added to our Honor Wall. We now have 155 library patrons who have become SCFOL Life Members.  We also wish to thank those... Continue Reading >

FEBRUARY 21,OASIS: Unlocking the Power of Sleep.

  Join us on Friday, February 21, 2-3 p.m., in the San Carlos Branch Library's Community Room & Art Gallery to learn how you can "Unlock the Power of Sleep." National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Montserrat Garcia, delves into the vital role sleep plays in our physical and mental well-being. Explore the stages of sleep, factors influencing sleep quality, and practical strategies for optimizing sleep hygiene. Join us to learn actionable tips for improving sleep habits, how prioritizing sleep can unlock... Continue Reading >

Remote Printing Available @ SDPL

Remote Printing Available at all SDPL locations. Please read about this new San Diego Public Library  Printing Service. You can now easily print from your phone, tablet, or laptop using the SDPL remote printing service. Send print jobs from any location at any time, whether you're at home or in one of our library locations. Simply print, pay online or at the library, and pick up your items within 24 hours. For complete information on the procedure required apps and... Continue Reading >