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Our guest speaker for the 2022 SCFOL General Membership meeting held on November 16, at the San Carlos Branch Library, was Robert Cronk, Deputy Director, SDPL, Public Services. We thank him for stepping in at the last minute for Deputy Director Raul Gudino,to update us on the latest information concerning our long awaited new San Carlos Branch to be located across the present and corner lot of Jackson and Golfcrest. Here is his summary of his very informational talk.
1. Property... Continue Reading >
The SCFOL Board would like to thank our San Carlos Branch Library's outstanding staff, led by Managing Librarian David Ege and Youth Services Librarian Erin Moore, for keeping the Community engaged in all that our libraries have to offer during the last 3 years of COVID. They continue to do so with dwindling staff numbers, as several long time employees retired and others were transferred due to staffing shortages elsewhere. Out of date and worn out tomes made way for... Continue Reading >
Joan Hayes, after 7 years serving as our eighth SCFOL President, turned the President's gavel over to Bill Bischoff, who was elected to the President's position at our annual SCFOL General Membership meeting held at the San Carlos Branch Library, November 16, 2022. Joan Hayes will remain as a very valuable Member of the SCFOL Board.
Many of you know Bischoff as a SCFOL Board Member and Volunteer Chair, so he is not new to our SCFOL members, especially those who... Continue Reading >
It is hard to believe that my 7 years as President of SCFOL is coming to an end. It has been a pleasure to serve all of you. I am excited to have Bill Bischoff take the gavel. He will be a great President. My thanks and gratitude to all the members of the Board who have served with me.
COVID slowed us down for a long time as we all know. We were able to continue meetings through Zoom. Thanks... Continue Reading >
The SCFOL Board would like to thank our San Carlos Branch Library's outstanding staff, led by Managing Librarian David Ege, for keeping the Community engaged in all that our libraries have to offer during the last 3 years of COVID. Although life may never return to pre-COVID ways, we have all learned how to move forward invoking new and better methods.
David Ege's report describes the reopening, reinstated, and new programs which became available in 2022.
· January 2022
Brought... Continue Reading >