SCFOL Chapter History Category
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: You are invited to join us for the General Membership meeting of San Carlos Friends of the Library which will be held on Wednesday, November 20, 2019, from 4:00-5:30 p.m., in the Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery.
Our keynote speaker will be Patrick Stewart, the new CEO of the San Diego Public Library Foundation. Stewart is passionate about creating literate communities, as demonstrated by his nine years of success as Executive Director of Words Alive, the... Continue Reading >
The Annual Meeting of the Friends of the San Diego Public Library (FSDPL) will be on Saturday, September 14, at the San Diego Central Library @ Joan ^ Irwin Jacobs Common in the Neil Morgan Auditorium. Registration will open at 9:30 a.m. with a light breakfast available. The actual meeting will run from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Invitations will be mailed to chapter volunteer honorees and Life Members in mid-August. RSVPs are requested to assist with planning.
We are pleased to have... Continue Reading >
In Loving Memory of Judy McCarty.
June 4, 1940-March 3, 2019.
7th District City Council Representative, 1985-2000.
President, San Carlos Friends of the Library, 2009-2011.
San Carlos, The San Carlos Friends of the Library, and the City of San Diego lost a great lady and friend this week with the passing of Judy McCarty.
Acting as the community's project Chairperson, McCarty was instrumental in the creation of Mission Trails Regional Park when Larry Stirling was the 7th district... Continue Reading >
40 Anniversary Celebration Friends of the San Diego Public Library (FSDPL).
Wednesday, April 10, 4-6 p.m.
San Carlos Branch Library, Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery.
The public is invited to join the San Carlos Friends of the Library in celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Friends of the San Diego Public Library, April 10, 4-6 p.m., in the Winer Family Community Room & Art... Continue Reading >
In 2018, sixty-three SCFOL volunteers donated a total of 4737 hours to support the San Carlos Branch Library; that is equivalent to 2.4 FTEs. One FTE is equal to one full-time (40 hr/week) employee. 3064 hours were spent sorting your donated books, working at SCFOL's 1st Saturday of every month Used Book Sale or the previous day's FSDPL Members Only sale. Our SCFOL Board Members donated an additional 1623 hours keeping all organized, recruiting members... Continue Reading >