San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Library News Category

David Ege: SCBL Year in Review-2023

 On November 15, 2023, Managing Librarian David Ege spoke at the annual meeting of the General Membership of the San Carlos Friends of the Library.  Ege reviewed the Branch's activities in 2023, and spoke briefly about what new programs can be expected in 2024.    January and February 2023 We had two speakers which drew 11 patrons and 2 author talks that brought in 107 people.  Author Jennifer Coburn’s presentation in February had 86 people in attendance.     April... Continue Reading >

Welcome SCFOL’s New President, Bill Bischoff

  Joan Hayes, after 7 years serving as our eighth SCFOL President, turned the President's gavel over to Bill Bischoff, who was elected to the President's position at our annual SCFOL General Membership meeting held at the San Carlos Branch Library, November 16, 2022.  Joan Hayes will remain as a very valuable Member of the SCFOL Board. Many of you know Bischoff as a SCFOL Board Member and Volunteer Chair, so he is not new to our SCFOL members, especially those who... Continue Reading >

2016-2017:The NEW San Carlos Branch Library updates

JANUARY, 2017: The NEW San Carlos Branch Library's design  was presented to the Community by David Pfeifer, AIA, from Domusstudio Architecture, at the Navajo Community Planners' meeting held at the Tifereth Israel Synagogue  on Wednesday, January 11 at 6:30 p.m.  We thank all of those who attended. The information given in that meeting is available below.  It was also well covered by Doug Curlee in his front page article in the January 20 edition of the Mission Times Courier.  We thank Doug... Continue Reading >