San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

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Mail-in Ballot Drop-off at San Carlos Branch Library

The General Election is TUESDAY, November 5, 2024. San Carlos Branch Library is an official/monitored mail-in ballot drop-off only location for your signed  & completed mail-in ballot. The Drop-Box is located outside the library. Below is the Drop Box Schedule: 10/7/2024 - Ballot Drop Boxes unlocked by Ballot Security Teams. 10/8/2024-11/4/2024 - Ballot Drop Boxes officially available for voters 24/7. 11/5/2024 - Ballot Drop Boxes available 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. All boxes to be locked at 8:00 p.m. by library staff. The SCBL is NOT an in-person polling... Continue Reading >


 October is national JOIN the FRIENDS of the LIBRARY month. Join SCFOL after October 1st and your membership is good until December 31, 2025.  SCFOL ANNUAL Memberships are a real bargain: $5 for  Seniors or Youth; $10 for one adult; $20 for a Family (dual adult). Sponsor ($50), Contributor ($100) and Patron ($1000) membership levels are always appreciated.   INDIVIDUAL LIFE Memberships are only $250. Send your check before October 30 to have you name added in November to our... Continue Reading >

2024 One-Book-One-San Diego

  The winning authors and titles for the KPBS 2024 One Book, One San Diego were announced August 17, by KPBS.  Click One Book, One San Diego for details. Winners are: "“Know My Name: A Memoir,” by Chanel Miller has been chosen for adult readers; “Victory. Stand! Raising My Fist for Justice,” by Tommie Smith and Derrick Barnes and illustrated by Dawud Anyabwile for teens and tweens; and “Barrio Rising: The Protest that Built Chicano Park,” by María Dolores Águila and illustrated... Continue Reading >

SCFOL Volunteers Get It Done

In 1982, SCBL managing Librarian Verna Stewart encouraged a few dedicated patrons to start a Friends of the Library chapter of FSDPL at the San Carlos Branch. SCFOL was born on May 15, 1982, with the expressed mission of  "focusing public attention on the library services, facilities and needs; to strengthen and expand library services; and to stimulate the use of the library facilities as a cultural resource center for the community."  The San Carlos Branch Library quickly grew as... Continue Reading >