San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Author Archive

Saying Goodbye

  In June, we said goodbye to two wonderful ladies, awesome library assistants and friends.....Sheila Rudolph after 35 years, and Bonnie Cameron after 37 years of dedicated service at the San Carlos Branch Library. We wish them both health and happiness in the years to come, and hope to see them often around the Branch and neighborhood. Continue Reading >

4th of JULY @ Lake Murray

On the 4th of July,  SDPLs are closed, but  SCFOL invites you to join us at the Lake Murray Fireworks and MusicFest  to enjoy Fun, Friends, Food, Bands and Fireworks.  The Festival runs from 11 am to 9 pm, followed by fireworks. SCFOL volunteers will staff a booth for several hours mid-day to answer your questions. The proposed exterior and interior designs for the new library will be  available and we'll share our up-to-date information on its progress. Learn how... Continue Reading >

MAY-JUNE, 2022: New Branch Library Update

In May, our City Councilmember Raul Campillo notified SCFOL that a "No Further Action" letter  from the Water Quality Control Board, regarding the Golfcrest & Jackson corner lot, had been sent to the property owners and received by the City of San Diego. JUNE: From the Office of Councilmember Raul A. Campillo City of San Diego, Seventh District "Councilmember Campillo was able to secure $1.5 million to fully fund the design phase for the (new San Carlos Branch Library) project as part of... Continue Reading >

Thank You:: Help Students Get the Homework Help They Need

Dear Library Advocate, Thanks to your advocacy efforts, we received good news on June 8, that a majority of Councilmembers called for new library investments in the FY23 May revised city budget.  Read More Library Advocates, Call to Action: Many San Diego students, K-12, rely on the SDPL's "Do Your Homework at the Library" tutors to help them with their homework and improve their grades.  Read HERE why the program is in need of your help to prevent the discontinuation... Continue Reading >

Odi’s Library Day – SDPL’s Official Children’s Board Book

Did you know the San Diego Public Library has written and published its own children's book? Written by Hunter Hackett and illustrated by SDPL’s own Anisi Baigude, a Library Assistant at the North Clairemont Branch, Odi’s Library Day is a bilingual board book perfect for parents and their emerging little readers to build a lifelong connection to libraries and books. In the story, ODI (Opportunity, Discovery, Inspiration) the Coyote visits Central Library for the first time with their parent. During Odi’s... Continue Reading >