San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Author Archive

SCFOL Board President: Judy Williams

Born and raised in Arizona, I moved to San Diego over twenty years ago.  Following graduation from the University of Arizona, I spent the early years of marriage raising a family.  We have two adult children, one of whom lives here in San Diego and the other in Michigan. When I decided to enter the work force, my career began as the Executive Director of a new social service program working with runaway and homeless youth.  This position gave me valuable... Continue Reading >

Lois Dissinger Trust Donation to SCFOL

    At a recent Board Meeting, SCFOL President, Judy McCarty, presented Steve Dissinger, son of Lois Dissinger, with a life-time membership in the San Carlos Chapter of the San Diego Friends of the Library. Steve honored his mother's Trust provision with a gift of $5000 to SCFOL  from the Lois Dissinger Trust.  Lois was a long-time Board Member, Newsletter Editor , and supporter of the SCFOL.  Steve spoke of how much the library meant to his mother and that influence in his life.  He said,... Continue Reading >


        We would like to thank Julie Donnelly and Thor Hanson, the children of Marita Hanson for their generous donation to SCFOL in memory of their mother, Marita Hanson.  Mrs. Hanson passed away in late November of 2007, at the age of 91.        She was an area resident for over 30 years.  The San Carlos Library was a frequent destination  for her throughout her retirement.  She was an avid reader and a member of SCFOL for some time.  Her passion for... Continue Reading >

JULY, 2007: New San Carlos Branch Library Update

On July 10, 2007, City Councilmember Jim Madaffer hosted a well attended community wide meeting at the San Carlos Library, where architect David Pfeifer, AIA, of Dominy + Associates gave an excellent presentation of the updated plans for the new San Carlos Library to be constructed on the corner of Golfcrest and Jackson. Questions and concerns from the audience were answered by both Mr. Pfeifer and Mr. Madaffer. Mr. Madaffer fielded questions that concerned the timing of the ground breaking for the... Continue Reading >