SCFOL Chapter History Category
Volunteers make the world go round; without them, the planet would come to an abrupt halt. Joining the SCFOL merry-go-round during the 2016-17 fiscal year were 65, fun, dedicated, interesting, book loving neighbors who volunteered over 4800 hours to organize and sell books for our monthly and Amazon used book sales; keep our chapter membership, volunteer, and financial records; schedule art shows, speakers and authors; create our website, newsletters and newspaper articles; organize special events such as the annual writing... Continue Reading >
City-wide winners of the 20th Annual "Writing for Literacy Essay Contest" were announced April 27, at the Balboa Park Club. Pershing Middle School student, Caroline Beail was one of the four City-wide 8th grade winners. Beail chose To Kill a Mockingbird, as the one book she would save if all other books in the world were to be destroyed. In 2013, as a fourth grader at Dailard Elementary, Beail was also a City-wide winner in that division. She appears here... Continue Reading >
The San Carlos Friends of the Library (SCFOL) wishes to thank the San Carlos Area Council (SCAC) for their generous contribution to the San Carlos Branch Library. The presentation was made at an April 26, 2017, SCAC Board of Directors meeting at the library. In the picture on the left, are SCFOL past-President and current Building Committee Chair Judy Williams, SCAC Director Rita Hartman presenting the check to SCFOL President Joan Hayes, and Branch Manager David Ege. Photos courtesy... Continue Reading >
Thanks to all who attended this FUNRAISER. We made $120.50 by you enjoying lunch/dinner at a wonderful local restaurant.
Wednesday, October 26, let the La Mesa Souplantation do the cooking. All day, Souplantation will contribute 30% of our event sales to SCFOL. This is an easy and fun Fundraiser. You must bring this Event Flyer with you. The flyers are also available at the library. The La Mesa Souplantation is located in the Fletcher Hills Shopping Center, 9158 Fletcher Pkwy, La... Continue Reading >
Additionally, we had a surprise speaker: David Pfeifer, architect from DomusStudio presented the preliminary plans for our new 25,000 sq.ft. branch library. The SCFOL Board approved the plans, and recommended them for approval by the Navajo Planning Commission.
November 16, from 4:00-6:00, in the Winer family Community Room & Art Gallery, all Members of the San Carlos Friends of the Library are invited to attend the SCFOL Annual General Membership Meeting. The agenda will include a talk by local author, Toni... Continue Reading >