San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

SCFOL Chapter History Category

August 5, 2023: “We Bought the Lot” Celebration

  Were you there? More than 300 library patrons, neighbors, and Friends of the San Carlos Branch Library, turned out on August 5, 2023, to hear the good news: after 28 years, We Bought the Lot on the corner of Jackson and Golfcrest. This parcel is adjacent to the current branch library; the two lots together will become the site of the of the new 25,000 sq. ft. San Carlos Branch Library. The day's celebration was kicked off by District 7... Continue Reading >

JUNE 10: Annual FSDPL Meeting

  Join the friends of the San Diego Public Library on June 10, 9:30-noon, at the San Diego Central Library @ Joan ? Irwin Jacobs Common's Shiley Suite, 9th Floor. To see all of the details including program specifics and speakers, click on FSDPL Annual Meeting Invitation 6.10.23  Keynote speaker this year is Deanna Mackey, General Manager, KPBS. All Friends are invited.  Please RSVP  ASAP to the Friends’ office.  Email: [email protected] or Phone: (619) 542-1724 This year's Honored SCFOL Volunteers, who will be... Continue Reading >

SCFOL General Membership Meeting

  This year’s Annual SCFOL General Membership Meeting will be held Wednesday, November 16, 4:00-5:30 pm, in the San Carlos Branch Library's Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery. The meeting’s agenda will include: Branch updates by David Ege, Managing Librarian. A City representative will be in attendance to provide an update about the new building project. SCFOL updates by President Joan Hayes and Treasurer Jerry Hotz Presentation & approval of Slate of nominees for the San Carlos Friends of the... Continue Reading >


We are sad to report the passing of Jim Shields on September 25, 2022. Memorial Services will be held Saturday, October 15, 11:00 am, at Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Church.  Jim and his family were fundamental to the organization and growth of the SCFOL Monthly Used Book Sales. He will be missed by SCFOL.  Our condolences are sent to his Family and Friends. JIM SHIELDS RESIGNS AS BOOK SALE CHAIR (2012) Since 1992, Jim Shields, along with his wife, Pat, organized, recruited, and... Continue Reading >

Navajo Area Community Get-together Wrap-up

 On Tuesday, July 19, 2022, seven groups representing the Navajo Area Community met at the  San Carlos Branch Library. Representatives from each  group presented a short talk explaining the history, goals and objectives of the group, and how locals can become more involved with them. Community Groups presenting included: San Carlos Friends of the Library (SCFOL), San Carlos Area Council (SCAC), San Carlos Community Gardens,  Henry Cluster STEMM Foundation (HCSTEMM), Friends of Del Cerro, Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis Club, and... Continue Reading >