San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

SCFOL Chapter History Category

Lesley Frazier and Jim Shields reminisce

Lesley Frazier and her family moved to San Carlos in October of 1980.  In the spring of 1982, then Managing Librarian Ruth Gardner decided that the San Carlos Branch Library, which opened on January 9, 1974, needed a Chapter of the Friends of the Library. She invited some of the branch’s regular patrons and volunteers to join.  Lesley became a charter member and the first editor of the SCFOL Newsletter.  Betty Sherman was the first President of SCFOL.  One of the first activities... Continue Reading >

Collecting San Carlos Branch Library Memories

On January 9, 2014, the San Carlos Branch Library was 40 years old!  Marking the occasion will be a year filled with special events and celebrations.  We started off the year with a mega “yarn wrapping” on January 8, and continued the week with a Gala Event on January 12, honoring SCFOL Life-Members.  A “family fun day” in August and other activities are planned throughout the year. On September 11, at the Mission Trails Regional Park Visitor’s Center, in preparation for the year of celebrations, we met with... Continue Reading >


On November 20, 2013, we threw a Pizza Party to thank the many SCFOL Volunteers for their hard work and the generous sharing of their time.  They had previously received official name tags that were donated by Life Member and Membership Recruitment Volunteer, Margrette Carr.  Ryley Webb represented 7th District City Councilmember Scott Sherman, and along with SCFOL President Judy Williams and Volunteer Chair Debra Kues presented the volunteers with a "Certificate of Recognition" from the City of San Diego.  This... Continue Reading >

From the Desk of Ann McDonald, FSDPL Past-President

Hello SCFOL Friends, Many of you have expressed interest in the new Central Library.  There was a Dedication Celebration and Sneak Peek on Saturday, September 28, from 11 AM to 6 PM.  The Dedication  featured a street fair (library and book emphasis), food trucks, rides for children, a Sneak Peek (a walk through) of the auditorium and the first floor of the library which will include the Dr. Seuss decorated Children's Section.  The Central Library fully opened on Monday, September 30, from 9:30 AM... Continue Reading >

SCFOL Volunteers recognized by FSDPL

At the Annual Meeting of the membership of FSDPL, held on October 12, 2013, at the New Central Library, volunteers from each of the Chapters of the Friends were recognized for the outstanding work they perform for their chapters and branches.   Honorees recognized for their service from the San Carlos Chapter were Aileen Lawson, Sandy Gillins, Tina Kues, and Maynard Kartvedt.  Our congratulations to all of these wonderful volunteers.  We thank them for their hours of service. Continue Reading >