San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Prez Sez Category

Prez Sez: Joan Hayes, November, 2015

I am excited about becoming your new President of the San Carlos Friends of the Library!  We have a terrific group of people on our Board--all of whom work very hard to provide the many programs which are available to our community at the library. I have lived in the San Carlos area for forty-two years and have seen the growth and popularity of our library increase.  Much of this would not be possible were it not for community people becoming... Continue Reading >

SCFOL Prez Sez: December, 2014

PREZ SEZ -- What a year 2014 has been!! We have taken this 40th Anniversary year to celebrate the work of the Library both in the past and present with an eye to the future. We began the year by honoring our past. What a magnificent history the San Carlos Branch Library has in this neighborhood. We have told our historical story in many ways, but two are particularly important. A video was made which highlighted the beginning of the Library as... Continue Reading >

Judy Williams, SCFOL PREZ SEZ:

HAPPY 40th ANNIVERSARY TO THE SAN CARLOS BRANCH LIBRARY The Friends of the San Carlos Library see the occasion of the Branch’s 40th Anniversary as an opportunity to recommit themselves to the future and the building of a new Library and Community Center.  I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the SCFOL’s vision for the future. Recently, someone asked a group from the San Carlos library why the community has not been more visible in making its desire... Continue Reading >


 This has been an active and busy year for the Friends of the San Carlos Library. MEMBERSHIP Let me start by saying thank you to the twelve new Life Members at San Carlos.  We are so happy to have you and your support.  We also appreciate those of you, who renewed your membership and continued your support of the library, CENTRAL LIBRARY This was the year that the library system saw the completion of the new Central Library.  We are all happy to have... Continue Reading >

Judy Williams, SCFOL Prez Sez:, August, 2013

I want to thank those of you who have renewed your Membership in the Friends of the Library. Please help us encourage new memberships.  Your support is very important. Some of you may wonder, what does your membership mean to the library?  Here are some of the ways your commitment makes a difference: As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers.  As many of you know we are actively advocating for a new library in San Carlos.   As we approach potential... Continue Reading >