SCFOL Prez Sez: December, 2014
What a year 2014 has been!! We have taken this 40th Anniversary year to celebrate the work of the Library both in the past and present with an eye to the future.
We began the year by honoring our past. What a magnificent history the San Carlos Branch Library has in this neighborhood. We have told our historical story in many ways, but two are particularly important. A video was made which highlighted the beginning of the Library as told through the stories of people who lived it and have given their hearts and efforts to this area. Sue Hotz, a current member of the Friends took on the arduous task of recreating the history and putting it in graph form, which allows us to visually see the time frames, events and people who have brought us to where we are today.
In January we began the celebration with a 40th Anniversary Gala. It was a spectacular event. Historian Joan Hayes’ Gala Committee worked hard and transformed the library into an elegant venue. A number of speakers, including, Acting Mayor Todd Gloria, City Councilman Scott Sherman, Library Director, Deborah Barrow and President of the San Diego Friends of the Public Library, Joan Curry, all spoke and recognized the work and the importance of the San Carlos Branch Library in our community.
In March, the Citywide “Writing For Literacy, Library Essay Contest” was an opportunity to honor our youth. The Essay Contest was started by Jack Winer in 1997 as a local event at the San Carlos Branch and Benjamin Libraries and grew into a citywide event. It was a terrific success this year. Two hundred and thirty-four (234) young people in the fourth, eighth and tenth grades, from the San Carlos area submitted essays. Four of our young people were selected to present their essays at the citywide event. Congratulations to all who participated.
Knowing the importance of our San Carlos families, SCFOL and the library held a Family Fun Fair in August. And fun it was! There were activities for all ages including an Authors Fair focusing on our local authors and their work, while the sound of laughter could be heard as hats were made, faces were painted and games were played. The addition of a cotton candy machine was a big hit for the adults as well as the children.
By fall we made ready for the “Just Around the Corner Craft Fair,” chaired by Ruth George and Sandy Gillins. This year it was decided the event needed more room and space than what the library was able to offer. The San Carlos United Methodist Church allowed us to use their space on Saturday, October 10, making this truly a Community Fair. There were many long and hard hours put into this event, and everyone was pleased with the results.
On November 19 of this celebratory year, our last event was the dedication and unveiling of the “Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery,” and the Community Room’s wall plaques honoring SCFOL Life Members and Past Presidents who represent all who have given of their time, commitment and support to the San Carlos Branch Library. We also approved changes to the SCFOL Board of Directors which will allow for growth in chairmanships of standing and special event committees. Let me know if you would like to assist SCFOL in any capacity. Volunteers are always welcome.
After celebrating our wonderful history and accomplishments, it is now time for us to begin to create our future. It is a widely known fact that the San Carlos Branch Library needs more space to provide services to the community. Any of you who attended the above events realize we are sorely short of space. With the tireless effort of a past SCFOL/FSDPL President, Jack Winer, the city has the potential to expand our library to the lower lot on Jackson Drive. A design for the new building is being created. What we need now is the money to move this project ahead; this major task will require the support and help of the City and State governments to make it happen. But what can we all do to help? The neighborhood needs to continue to put pressure on our leaders. Councilman Scott Sherman is a strong advocate for us, but he needs to hear from us so he is able to document and demonstrate the neighborhood’s concerns and wishes. Drop him a line occasionally letting him know we are anxious for the new library plans to move forward.
Don’t forget to renew your San Carlos Friends of the Library memberships; check out LIBRARY books or other materials; utilize the library by participating in its many activities; NUMBERS COUNT! If you have an idea for a program that would be of interest to you or your neighbors, stop by and have a chat with our Managing Librarian, Rita Glick. She would love to hear from you. And by all means do not forget the SCFOL monthly Used Book Sales on the first Saturday of each month.
Thank you all for your continued support of the San Carlos Branch Library, and I hope to see you in the stacks often in 2015.
Judy Williams, President
San Carlos Friends of the Library