San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Branch History Category

IMPORTANT!!! Branch CLOSURE: June 12-23,

Temporary branch closure:  The branch will be CLOSED between Monday, June 12 and Friday, June 23  for the completion of the installation of the new radio frequency identification (RFID) system at the San Carlos Branch Library. The branch will REOPEN on Saturday, June 24. During the closure: There will be NO programs or patron use of library materials at the San Carlos Branch between June 12-23. You may continue to return your materials to our branch using the outside drop slots... Continue Reading >

Congratulations CAROLINE BEAIL

City-wide winners of the 20th Annual "Writing for Literacy Essay Contest" were announced April 27, at the Balboa Park Club. Pershing Middle School student, Caroline Beail was one of the four City-wide 8th grade winners. Beail chose To Kill a Mockingbird, as the one book she would save if all other books in the world were to be destroyed. In 2013, as a fourth grader at Dailard Elementary, Beail was also a City-wide winner in that division. She appears here... Continue Reading >

New Check-out System

The Library book and materials check-out system is being updated city-wide.  The new system is called Radio Frequency Identification or RFID.  It is pictured here. The RFID system, after its complete installation, will have many skills; the San Carlos Branch will be closed for two weeks in June to allow us to upgrade the system to its full potential.  I will describe that in detail when the time comes. For now however, the old automated self-check-out machines have been taken out... Continue Reading >

Wecome Sarah Hendy-Jackson

New to the San Carlos Branch Library, Hendy-Jackson was born in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Foothills town of Sonora, CA.  In 2005, Hendy-Jackson enrolled at UCSD—majoring in Literature and Linguistics, and then continued her graduate studies there in English Literature.  After discovering Library Science, she is rethinking her area of study. A part-time UCSD  instructor of freshman literature and composition, Hendy-Jackson has added Library Assistant to her resume and David Ege has asked her to assist him with  adult programing... Continue Reading >

2017: Proposed San Carlos Branch Library design pictures

JANUARY, 2017: Please note that these are not final detailed designs of either the outside or inside of the proposed 25,000 sq.ft. new San Carlos Branch Library, but the working concepts of this project as it now stands.  These pictures were supplied by David Pfeifer, Principal Architect of domusstudio, who is the design architect chosen for this project. This shows the library as seen from Golfcrest.  One-half of the parking spaces would be located on the open lot below the corner... Continue Reading >