San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Branch History Category

VIDEO: 40 + year History of San Carlos Branch Library

As part of the 40th Anniversary Celebration, the San Carlos Friends Branch of the Library (SCFOL) interviewed many of the people instrumental in the building, development, and plans for the future of the San Carlos Branch Library.  This video was filmed and edited by Robert Hotz. Contact him at [email protected] or go to his website  RHotz Creative Media. To view, click on San Carlos Branch Library Historic Video for 40th Anniversary Continue Reading >

Meet Linda Dami

Linda Dami Library Assistant II "Hello, my name is Linda Dami and I have lived in San Diego since the age of seven. I grew up mostly in Clairemont, have a BA in Anthropology from UCSD, and currently am in the process of getting my MLIS through SJSU. I have worked for San Diego Public Library for one year and was recently promoted to Library Assistant II when joining the San Carlos branch. For five years, my father and I have... Continue Reading >

Congratulations: Summer Reading Program Update

Congratulations to all of our 2019 Summer Reading Program participants.  This year, 460 out of 746 San Carlos Branch patrons who registered for the Summer Reading Program, completed their goals.  This compares to 303 out of 547 in 2018.  WAY TO GO!  And keep on reading throughout the year.  Attendance at the Wednesday Special Summer Event programs totaled 967.  That's up from 768 last year. The San Carlos Staff and SCFOL appreciate your participation and hope all enjoyed the programs. ... Continue Reading >

And the Battle of the Books Winner Is…….

Fiction vs. Nonfiction The winner of this summer’s “Battle of the Book Series” face off between fiction & nonfiction is the Elephant & Piggie series by Mo Willems.  We received more than 500 votes over the course of the summer! Attendance at the Wednesday special summer events totaled 967.  Remember to pick up your SRP prizes before August 31. We had a wonderful time this summer at the library and hope you did too. The Fall line-up of... Continue Reading >

In Memory of Judy McCarty

In Loving Memory of Judy McCarty. June 4, 1940-March 3, 2019. 7th District City Council Representative, 1985-2000. President, San Carlos Friends of the Library, 2009-2011. San Carlos, The San Carlos Friends of the Library, and the City of San Diego lost a great lady and friend this week with the passing of Judy McCarty. Acting as the community's project Chairperson, McCarty was instrumental in the creation of Mission Trails Regional Park when Larry Stirling was the 7th district... Continue Reading >