San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Author Archive

Prez Sez: Joan Hayes, 2016 Year in Review

As I reflect back on my first year of being President of SCFOL, I have many things to be thankful for. Our new Branch Manager, David Ege, joined us in January.  He has added a great deal to our library, and we as the Friends, are enjoying working with him. There are many “Thank You’s" which I would like to mention. I want to thank the Friends for re-electing me for another year. Thanks to Judy Williams for doing such a... Continue Reading >

OCTOBER 26, 2016: Souplantation Funraiser

Thanks to all who attended this FUNRAISER.  We made $120.50 by you enjoying lunch/dinner at a wonderful local restaurant. Wednesday, October 26, let the La Mesa Souplantation do the cooking.  All day, Souplantation will contribute 30% of our event sales to SCFOL. This is an easy and fun Fundraiser.  You must bring this Event Flyer with you.  The flyers are also available at the library.  The La Mesa Souplantation is located in the  Fletcher Hills Shopping Center, 9158 Fletcher Pkwy, La... Continue Reading >

October’s SCAVENGER HUNT: Pumpkin Who?

THERE WERE OVER  100 ENTRIES TO THE Pumpkin Who? CONTEST.  CONGRATULATIONS to CONNOR, age 6 whose entry was pulled to win the $26 gift card.  During the entire month of October, find the 9 costumes that Pumpkin is trying on in the library!  Then pick up an entry form, and draw the costumes on the pumpkins.  Entry forms can be picked up in the children’s area beginning October 1, and must be submitted by October 31.  All correct ballots... Continue Reading >

Toni Noel to speak at NOVEMBER 16, SCFOL Annual General Membership Meeting

Additionally, we had a surprise speaker:  David Pfeifer, architect from DomusStudio presented the preliminary plans for our new 25,000 sq.ft. branch library.  The SCFOL  Board approved the plans, and recommended them for approval by the Navajo Planning Commission. November 16, from 4:00-6:00, in the Winer family Community Room & Art Gallery, all Members of the San Carlos Friends of the Library are invited to attend the SCFOL Annual General Membership Meeting. The agenda will include a talk by local author, Toni... Continue Reading >

OCTOBER 19: Volunteer Recognition

Active San Carlos Friends of the Library Volunteers have been invited to enjoy a pizza party get-together starting at 6:00 p.m., in the Winer Family Community Room and Art Gallery.  This year’s Active Volunteers are being recognized for their 5756 hours of service during the 2015-16 fiscal year. This is equivalent to almost 3 full-time-equivalent employees; their volunteer hours have an estimated value of $154.664. The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), an independent federal agency, estimated the value... Continue Reading >