San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Branch Manage–David Ege, Year End Review

The San Carlos Branch Library was THE place for opportunity, discovery and inspiration in 2017. We had many participants at our monthly programs and great attendance at our feature events. Our annual Summer Reading Program helped children to bridge the gap between the school years and our adult patrons were entertained by our author and educational programs.

So far this year, we have held 244 programs for adults with 3118 participants. San Diego County Aging & Independent Services told the community all that they had to offer and the Death Café discussed End-of-Life concerns in an open, friendly environment. A series of health programs presented by Oasis attracted people who wanted to know more about fat, salt and sugar in their diet. Patrons learned about the history of San Diego in San Diego Invites the World, about the 1915 World’s Fair, and Jim Bregante told us about growing up on the San Diego Waterfront. Our six week Memoir Writing Class taught people how to gather notes and begin writing their own story. The community also enjoyed listening to authors speak about their work at our monthly Author Talk.

We held 194 programs for children with 4785 participants in 2017. Children learned about the scientific method while working at the Challenge Island and Paper Insect events. We also introduced many young people to the Arts with our special programs. They learned to act at the Reader’s Theatre, to dance and sing during Canta y Baila Conmigo and to be creative at the Recycled Art Workshop. The Summer Reading Program brought in over 600 participants and 700 people enjoyed the weekly events. There were musical performances, jugglers, animals and science experiments. In October, the library launched the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program to encourage parents and caregivers to read to their children and develop early literacy skills.

Thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers and staff who make our library such a special, community gathering place! We look forward to more exciting events in 2018!

David Ege

Branch Manager

San Carlos Branch Library