San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

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For many years, Barbara Stewart has done an amazing job as the SCFOL Artist Chair, finding fabulous local artists to fill the San Carlos Branch Library's Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery with  decorative paintings, quilts, and photography. However as much as we will miss her many creative skills both as an artist and an Art Show designer, Stewart now feels it is time for her to retire and spend more time painting. If you think you are up to... Continue Reading

Library Supporters–Take Action Now

This article will update you on an important executive order issued by the Trump Administration, that significantly reduces the IMLS (Institution of Museum & Library Services). The following was shared with us by SDPL Director Misty Jones. “I am sure most of you have heard the news that the Trump Administration has issued an executive order significantly reducing the IMLS. Below is an email from CLA (California Library Association) and a statement from ULC (Urban Libraries Council). Please feel free to share with... Continue Reading >

Marcy Andersen, SCFOL Secretary, 2024

Marcy Andersen was elected to the San Carlos Friends of the Library Board in 2024, to replace our longtime Officer and Board Secretary, Evie McGhee. We thank her for stepping up to fill this very important volunteer position. Here is what Marcy tells us about her love of books, and how she became involved in SCFOL. Marcy worked in hospitals her whole life in medical records-related management positions, in Illinois where she was born, and more recently in California. She’s... Continue Reading >