San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

Book Sales Category

April 4 @ 1-3 pm: SCFOL Pre-Used Book Sale (for Friends Members only)

REMINDER: You must be a Friends of the Library member to buy books at the Friday Pre-Sale. JOIN SCFOL at the Sale and BUY BOOKS! This is another great way to support the library and meet other Friends.  On the day before the first-Saturday-of-the-month SCFOL Used Book Sales, current members of the Friends of the Library are invited to purchase fiction books and media materials in the Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery. Current author hardbacks sell for... Continue Reading >

April 5 @ 9:30-3:00: SCFOL Used Book Sale

THANK YOU for your support of SCFOL! We need your gently used book donations and your patronage at the Used Book Sales. Revenue from the SCFOL Used Book Sales is our primary funding source, but  SCFOL Memberships and your donations also add to the funds that the Friends donate to the Branch, allowing  the Library to purchase new materials, equipment and programs for all age groups. We accept only CASH or CHECKS  at all SCFOL Used Book Sales. Other payment methods... Continue Reading >

Used Book Donation Guidelines

Have you finished reading your latest book purchase or gift? Think of SCFOL! We appreciate your gently used book donations. Please read the book donation guidelines below. Without your book donations, we would not be able to hold our Monthly First Saturday Used Book Sales, the proceeds of which are donated to the San Carlos Branch Library to purchase new books, equipment, and programs. Because of your book donations and purchases, plus the many hours annually donated by our volunteers,... Continue Reading >


WHERE: San Carlos Branch Library WHEN: During the week to sort donated books and/or on the first Saturday of every month, for 2-3 hours from 9:00 am, until all of the non-purchased items are boxed up and put away. Many hands will make the job go faster. QUALIFICATIONS: A love of libraries, books, and people.  A strong back helps too.  We would love to have some young people join us. We would be happy to write college letters of recommendations for teen... Continue Reading >

Library Shop

Click  Library Shop to learn about all they have to offer.  There's more to them than just books. Shop Hours: Mon-Tues - 11:30 am - 5:30 pm  and  Wed-Sat - 10:30 am - 5:30 pm The Library Shop  currently offers $5.95 Flat Rate Shipping. The Library Shop is not just a well-curated gift and book shop. It is a non-profit book & gift store located in the courtyard of the Downtown Central Library sponsored by the FSDPL & the SDPL Foundation. As the Downtown... Continue Reading >