Branch History Category
MAY 2, 2013, CONTEST UPDATE: Congratulations to the San Carlos Library’s 16th Annual City-wide Library Student Essay Contest Grand Prize Winners Caroline Beail, 4th grader at Dailard Elementary and Bailey Pinto, 10th grader at PHHS. Each received a new laptop computer from Computers 2 SD Kids, $75 from FSDPL, and mementoes presented by the San Diego City Council and FSDPL. We also had two prize winning semi-finalists: Anngely Leeds from the Learning Choice Academy, and Isabelle Pinto from Pershing Middle... Continue Reading >
MAY 2, 2013, CONTEST UPDATE: Congratulations to the San Carlos Library’s 16th Annual City-wide Library Student Essay Contest Grand Prize Winners Caroline Beail, 4th grader at Dailard Elementary and Bailey Pinto, 10th grader at PHHS. Each received a new laptop computer from Computers 2 SD Kids, $75 from FSDPL, and mementoes presented by the San Diego City Council and FSDPL. We also had two prize winning semi-finalists: Anngely Leeds from the Learning Choice Academy, and Isabelle Pinto from Pershing Middle... Continue Reading >
New chairs and tables have arrived at the San Carlos Library! They were purchased with Matching Equipment Funds donated by the San Carlos Friends of the Library---money raised through MEMBERSHIPS and USED BOOK SALE PROCEEDS. If you appreciate the cleanliness and comfort of our new furnishings, please become a SCFOL member NOW and continue to patronize the Monthly Used Book Sale held on the first Saturday of every month. Continue Reading >
The San Carlos Friends of the Library would like to THANK YOU, our MEMBERS, VOLUNTEERS, and PATRONS for your support during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. Due to everyone’s effort, five hours on Mondays were added to the Branch Libraries’ weekly schedule, with the hope of an additional 3 hours being added to the Monday schedule in September.
During this fiscal year, ending June 30, 2012, the San Carlos Friends of the Library donated $34,305 to purchase directly --or in... Continue Reading >
We would like to thank Julie Donnelly and Thor Hanson, the children of Marita Hanson for their generous donation to SCFOL in memory of their mother, Marita Hanson. Mrs. Hanson passed away in late November of 2007, at the age of 91.
She was an area resident for over 30 years. The San Carlos Library was a frequent destination for her throughout her retirement. She was an avid reader and a member of SCFOL for some time. Her passion for... Continue Reading >