San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Ann McDonald, FSDPL Past- President Sez:

Ann McDonald (2)The new San Diego Central Library opened in September, 2013.  I am serving on the Oversight Committee for the Library Shop at the new downtown site.  The Library Shop is a museum-style gift shop as well as serving as a neighborhood bookstore–featuring an eclectic selection of interesting new titles including contemporary fiction, history, philosophy, and humor.  Greeting cards and a large selection of paper ephemera are also be part of the mix.  In addition, works by local artists and craftspeople are being offered.

The Library Shop is being jointly sponsored and funded by the citywide Friends of the San Diego Public Library and the San Diego Library Foundation.  It is located at the main entrance of the new building.

I hope that you and your friends will help spread the word about this exciting project.  It will be a wonderful place to purchase gifts for friends and family.  All proceeds from sales go to benefit the library system.  In addition, you might want to purchase a brick with your name or your family’s name.  These pavers will be placed in the patio and entrance of the new library.  Prices are $150, $500 or $1,000.  For more information or to purchase online, visit

Ann McDonald, Past-President, FSDPL
