San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

SCFOL Volunteers Get It Done

In 1982, SCBL managing Librarian Verna Stewart encouraged a few dedicated patrons to start a Friends of the Library chapter of FSDPL at the San Carlos Branch. SCFOL was born on May 15, 1982, with the expressed mission of  “focusing public attention on the library services, facilities and needs; to strengthen and expand library services; and to stimulate the use of the library facilities as a cultural resource center for the community.”  The San Carlos Branch Library quickly grew as a center for the community and the number of SCFOL volunteers grew too, working to fulfill SCFOL’s mission.    Volunteers congregate, innovate, and activate. Volunteers are the foundation and glue that hold communities together and spark growth. Volunteers get it done!

SCFOL got off with a running start.  Within 45 days, SCFOL had 45 members; by September1984, the number had grown to 334. The first Life Member was Marion Spicer in 1993. The names of all 148 SCFOL Life Members are listed on the Honor Wall in the Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery.  Annual memberships vary in number around 150.  The highest total number of SCFOL members was about 559 when Jack Winer was President.

The original SCFOL Board of Directors included Betty Sherman as President & Book Sale chair, Secretary duties were shared by Leola Robinson/June Jamieson, Treasurer shared by  Diana Mottershaw /Amy Johannsson/Dick Penberthy. Lesley Frazier edited the one-page quarterly newsletter, Beryl Levine grew the membership. VP Eunice Goldberg was Historian.  With a membership of 174, SCFOL’s 1st anniversary was celebrated on May 18, 1983,with a dinner at the Navajo Canyon Golf Club.

The first monthly SCFOL book sale on August 7, 1982, netted $242. Book Sales are SCFOL’s primary revenue source followed by Membership dues and Donations.  Funds directly support our libraries, enabling them to provide updated materials, programs and equipment that fit the current needs of our patrons.  SCFOL  funds annually donated to the City’s Library Fund are matched by the City of San Diego.

The San Carlos volunteer spirit grew. Betty Sherman (82-87) was the first SCFOL President to also become a President of the Friends of the San Diego Public Library (FSDPL). Others followed in her footsteps, some also serving as members of the Library Commission. Volunteers who followed Sherman as SCFOL President were Hank Wilson (85-87), Ann MacCullough (87-92), Jack Winer (93-99), Ann McDonald (1999-2009), Judy McCarty (09-11), Judy Williams (11-15), Joan Hayes (15-22), and Bill Bischoff (2023-present).

SCFOL’s  Board of nine Directors, multiple Chairpersons and many dedicated volunteers, annually donate about 6ooo hours of their time in the support of the San Carlos Branch.  SCFOL  continues in its mission of promoting the activities and use of the library through its website and newsletters. With the  help of our Book Sale patrons, your memberships and donations, SCFOL is also able to financially support library programs and equipment purchases.  SCFOL volunteers stand ready to act.  Join us for The Rest of the Story  as we tell how many outstanding SCFOL volunteers got it done & what is planned for the future.

