San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Used Book Donation Guidelines

Have you finished reading your latest book purchase or gift??  Think of SCFOL!    We thank you for your gently used book donations. Please read the book donation guidelines below. Without  your book donations, we would not be able to hold our Monthly First Saturday Used Book Sales, the proceeds of which are donated to the San Carlos Branch Library to purchase new books, equipment, and programs. Because of your book donations and purchases, plus the many hours annually donated by our volunteers, we are able to donate approximately $20,000 annually to our branch library through the Library Foundation.  Because of your generous used book donations, we are able to offer between 50% and 60% new titles monthly to our used book sale customers, and our prices are among the lowest in town. So keep those used book donations coming.

We do understand how painful it can be to dispose of a beloved book. However, to help us streamline the sorting and organization process of donated books, we are asking that you keep the following Book Donation Guidelines in mind before dropping off your donations:

• Check your books over carefully:

  • If they have been stored in a garage, attic, or storage facility for some time, they may be covered in dirt, mold, insects, spiders, or other pest residue. We cannot sell soiled books—please discard them.
  •  If the pages and covers are coming out and off of your books, or if they are soiled with food and drink, they will not sell. Please dispose of them.
  •  Make sure you have not included library books or books you want to keep. It’s really difficult to find them again amongst the many.

• When and Where to place your gently used–donated, treasured books:

  •  If possible, drop off your donated books at least 5 days before a sale date. Our Monthly Used Book Sales are held the First Saturday of every month. Exceptions may occur if a Holiday Library closure occurs on that weekend, then it may be rescheduled. The website and library calendar will keep you updated.
  • Bring your donated books to the library when it is open. There are labeled donation carts located inside the library’s north/west entrance on which you can place your donated materials.  We are currently taking adult sized puzzles that are in perfect condition. If this doesn’t work for you, please place your labeled, bagged or boxed donations on the cement bench outside the north/west entrance. 
  • If you have LOTS of books to donate, leave a note with your name, phone & email contact information at the library’s front desk, for Ron McFee, Book Sale Chair. Ron will contact you and arrange a time when we can pick them up at your home.
  • Take Care: Do not use the outside book returns for donated books. It produces more work for our librarians and delays their sorting for the next book sale. Click on Book Donation Guidelines to download and print this article.

The San Carlos Friends of the Library is indebted to the wonderful community members who donate their gently used books, the book sale volunteers and patrons.  If you would like to become an active book sale volunteer, please leave your name and contact information at the library, ATTENTION: Sue Dennis SCFOL Volunteer Chair.