San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

JANUARY, 2022: What Does the Fence Mean?


SCFOL promised to keep our community updated with events that affect the building of the new San Carlos Branch Library. So… what does it mean that a fence was erected in January around the Jackson and Golfcrest corner lot adjacent to the Library?  Here is what you need to know:

  • The San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board reported that the lot is clean of contaminants and the remediation process is complete.
  • The remediation company was so informed, and permits were obtained allowing removal of their underground and above-ground equipment. THAT IS WHAT IS OCCURRING NOW and why the lot has been fenced off.
  • This will end the environmental regulatory process, create a “NO FURTHER ACTION” certification, and allow for the property owner (Tesoro) to liquidate the lot from their real estate portfolio.
  • The next step will be up to the will of the City of San Diego and our Community’s support for a new San Carlos Branch Library.