San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Mark Your ZOOM Calendars: SCFOL Annual Meeting–Memberships Count Too!

SCFOL members are invited to join the SCFOL Board for the annual General Membership meeting via ZOOM, to be held Saturday, November 21, 2020, from 10:00-11:00 a.m.  To join the SCFOL ZOOM meeting, email your reservation-email-address to SCFOL President Joan Hayes, at [email protected], . Joan will send you the ZOOM link.  The meeting agenda includes: SCFOL Chapter updates; Managing Librarian-David Ege will give us San Carlos  Branch and  SDPL updates; and, as SCFOL by-laws require, ZOOM attending SCFOL Members will be asked to affirm the proposed 2021 SCFOL slate of Officers and Board of Directors*. All SCFOL members are eligible to vote and to have their name placed in nomination for a Board position. Contact Joan Hayes if you are interested in submitting your name for consideration as a member of the 2021 SCFOL Board of Directors. *Currently proposed 2021 nominees are: OFFICERS: President, Joan Hayes; Secretary, Evie McGhee; Treasurer, Jerry Hotz.  Additional SCFOL Board of Directors nominees are: Bill Bischoff, Ruth Coleman, Barbara Dennis, Sue Hotz, Ron McFee.  This slate is unchanged from last year’s, and we thank each Board Member for agreeing to continue in his/her current position.

The San Carlos Friends of the Library was founded on May 14, 1982. Its first Life Member, Marion Spicer, joined in 1993. In 2014, in celebration of the San Carlos Branch Library’s 40th Anniversary, the name of each SCFOL Life Member and SCFOL President was inscribed on a SCFOL Honor Wall plaque, located in the Winer Family Community Room and Art Gallery.  The wall currently lists 120 SCFOL Life-Members.  The plaque is updated annually and we would love to add your name. We thank all donors for their dedication and support of our Branch Library.

Please consider joining SCFOL, or renewing your membership. Individual Memberships start as low as $5, and if sent in after October 1, will not expire until Dec 31, 2021. Friend Life Memberships are just $250 per person; the names of new Life Members received this year will be added to the SCFOL Honor Wall plaque for 2020. Join SCFOL today.  Applications are available at the Branch’s outdoor, contactless pick-up table, and on

NUMBERS count! Friend memberships at all levels are important indicators of our Community’s support of the San Carlos Branch Library, and we thank each of you for your annual support.  SCFOL Memberships and donations are especially needed for 2021 as our Used Book Sale revenue, currently on hold due to COVID-19, has stopped. Historically,  your generosity has allowed SCFOL to annually donate $20,000 to $25,000 to the San Diego Public Library/City of San Diego Matching Fund– thus doubling your donation dollars and allowing our Branch to purchase books, materials, and programs.

We continue to look forward to the pandemic’s end, the full reopening of our library — complete with on-site programs, monthly Used Book Sales, and of course, last-but-not-least, our proposed new San Carlos Branch Library.  Until then, keep reading, and please stay healthy!