San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

SEPTEMBER 14: Annual Friends of San Diego Public Library (FSDPL) General Membership Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Friends of the San Diego Public Library (FSDPL) will be on Saturday, September 14, at the San Diego Central Library @ Joan ^ Irwin Jacobs Common in the Neil Morgan Auditorium.  Registration will open at 9:30 a.m. with a light breakfast available. The actual meeting will run from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.  Invitations will be mailed to chapter volunteer honorees and Life Members in mid-August.  RSVPs are requested to assist with planning.

We are pleased to have Patrick Stewart, the new CEO of the San Diego Public Library Foundation, as our featured speaker.  Misty Jones, Library Director, will also provide an update of some of the exciting new Library programs and initiatives.

Dottie Vieira, Bill Bischoff, Ron McFee, Anna-Marie Villegas

Each year, FSDPL takes time out at their Annual Meeting to recognize up to 4 special Volunteers from each of the 36 San Diego Public Library’s Friends Chapters, and to THANK all the volunteers who share their time and talents with our branch libraries. The volunteers from the San Carlos Friends of the Library receiving special recognition in 2019 for their outstanding contributions to SCFOL are:

Bill Bischoff is a SCFOL Board member and also our SCFOL Volunteer coordinator extraordinaire.  Contact Bill if you would like to help out in any capacity; there are always openings for book sale volunteers.

Ron McFee is also a SCFOL Board member,but his biggest job is as Chairperson of the monthly SCFOL Used Book Sales.  In addition to those duties, Ron initiated the distribution of free comic books on the first Saturday in May at all San Diego branch libraries, and the San Diego Public Library’s involvement with Comic-Con.

Dottie Vieira adds her wisdom to our Board meetings, and is an avid weekly book sorter and a Customer Service volunteer at the monthly Used Book Sales.

Anna-Marie Villegas has not only been a very consistent cashier at the monthly Used Book Sales, but assists buyers whenever questions arise about a special purchase.  Her “book knowledge” is legendary.

During the 2018-19 fiscal year ending June 31, 2019, over 50 SCFOL volunteers donated a total of 4739 hours; that is equivalent to almost 2.4 full time employees.  3282 of those hours were worked by our very diligent book sale volunteers; 1491 hours were spent by the SCFOL Board Members keeping us organized and on track for building a new branch library; and 66 hours were given for miscellaneous SCFOL/branch activities.  We again want to THANK all of our volunteers for their commitment to our branch library.  Won’t you join us?  Volunteering is a very enjoyable and rewarding activity. Leave a note at the library, ATTENTION: Bill Bischoff.  Please include your name, phone #, email address, and what your interrests are in volunteering.  We need book sorters, drivers, book sale day set-up/take down muscle, and Board Members/Chairpersons in training for President, Art Show Chair, Book Sale Chair, Publicity, and Secretary.