Robots Seize the Day

2019’s Robotics Showcase Extravaganza was an awe-inspiring success.
Teams with great names like Creator Critters, Dailard Elementary Mechanical Dolphins, Dapper Robo-Noodles, Magnolia Science Academy NextGen and MagnoBricks, Wizalos, Cajon Park B1nary Drag0ns, Crescendo, Lakeside Middle Broncobots and Patrick Henry High Patribots, all showed off the robots that they designed, built, and what they can do. These are definitely the next generation of inventors.

285 people in total attended the Robotics Extravaganza which was held in the lower parking lot; about 70 were participants & their parents.

The MCAS Miramar Bomb Disposal unit showed off their “bomb sniffing” robot, too.

There were also special craft tables set up in the library where about 90 youth were able to create their own “bots” and other fun activities to take home.

This was the San Carlos Branch Library’s 2nd ANNUAL Robotics Extravaganza. We look forward to even more participants and seeing you next year.