San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

PREZ SEZ: Joan Hayes, 2017 year in review

Another year has flown by, and the San Carlos Branch Library continues to be a very busy center of our Community. I have been amazed at the number of people who attend our programs and events. We thank all of the people who arrange these events for us. David Ege, Branch Manager, has found many interesting speakers for us and worked along with Ruth George to bring excellent Oasis speakers to our Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery on the third Friday of each month. Barbara Stewart schedules artists to present their unusual and unique talents for us to view in our Art Gallery each month. A reception to meet the current artist is held monthly on the third Saturday. Carleen Hemric selects our authors for their talks which are on the fourth Friday of each month; the range of San Diego writing talent is exciting!  Youth Librarian Erin Moore continues to guide our area children in many fun and educational programs. Pick up a daily schedule of all of our branch’s activities at the Library. Our website, managed by Sue Hotz, is kept up to date with descriptions of all of the Library events. Find it at
Our membership continues to increase. As of this writing, we have 201 annual members and 107 Life Members. Life Members from the previous year were recognized at our annual meeting on November 15 in the Winer Family Community Room & Art Gallery. Our members have the first choice of fiction paperbacks and media at our Used Book Pre Sale the Friday before the monthly Used Book sale. This is becoming a very popular event.
Each year we select up to four volunteers to be our Volunteer of the Year. They are honored at the Friends of the San Diego Public Library annual meeting held at the Central Library in September. We love our volunteers! Were it not for the many who help sort your donated books and then come to the Book Sale to help set up, cashier, float, and then take down, our Book Sales would not be so successful. Lee Ottman, our Volunteer Co-coordinator has done a fantastic job of gathering the volunteers to work for the sale. Ron McFee and Roberta Irwin lead this important event.

I am looking forward to another fun and exciting year as President of the San Carlos Friends. The Board members we have are a great supportive group. Without all of them we would not be able to be so successful. We meet every third Wednesday at 4:00. Come and join us!

See you at the Library!
Joan Hayes, SCFOL President
