San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog


IMG_3028SCFOL Treasurer Jerry Hotz and Ann McDonald, past President of both the SCFOL & FSDPL , add a financial gift to the SCFOL GIVING TREE at the SCFOL sponsored 40th Anniversary GALA of the San Carlos Branch Library.  By evening’s end, those present had decorated the tree with gift bags totaling $500 plus multiple new SCFOL Memberships.  Thank you one and all.  This represents the first step in our  fund raising campaign for a new San Carlos Branch Library.  Have you seen the new sign on the corner of Jackson and Golfcrest donated byDomusstudio Architecture: Principals Lew Dominy, AIA & David Pfeifer, AIA?

We need a cornerstone gift of $5 million to get the ball rolling.  Total cost of the new branch library is estimated to be (at this time) about $14 million. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Consider including the San Carlos Branch Library in you will, trust, or other planned giving vehicle.  We can help you do this.  Please contact SCFOL President, Judy Williams.
