San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

SCFOL Board of Directors* /Chairpersons

Your San Carlos Friends of the Library (SCFOL) *Officers and *Board  Members meet at the library every second Wednesday (except in December), from 4:00-5:30 p.m., to keep things organized and you updated on the newest changes in the services offered by the San Carlos Branch and the  SDPL system. We welcome you to join us anytime.  Learn what we do and ask how you can be a part of the action.

*Bill Bischoff: Officer/President

*Marcy Andersen: Officer/Recording Secretary/Correspondence Secretary   

*Bob Plaisted: Officer/Treasurer


*Kathy Ruiz: Board Member

Membership Chair: Kathy Ruiz


*Ron McFee: Board Member

Book Sales Chair: Ron McFee                   

*Sue Dennis: Board Member

SCFOL Volunteer Chair: Sue Dennis

*Sue Hotz: Board Member

Publicity Chair/ Website Editor: Sue Hotz 

  Newsletters: Linda Gidlund


*Jerry Hotz Board Member

*Dottie Vieira: Board Member: 

Barbara Stewart:

Art Coordinator

 Jaxon Cox:

Youth Advisor, PHHS


 Historian: This position is open.  Interested? Contact Bill Bischoff or Sue Dennis


Joan Hayes: SCFOL Past-President

2011, Sept, New Pres, Judy Williams & Judy McCarty

Judy Williams: SCFOL Past-President

Ann McDonald: SCFOL Past President & FSDPL  Past President



David Ege

David Ege: Branch Manager (Public Service Manager)

Librarian/ Library Program Chair/Library Volunteers

Erin Moore: Youth Services Librarian,

Youth Program Chair


SCFOL By-Laws, November 17, 2021


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