Library Services Category
Is there a book you have been looking for but is not a title currently available in our inventory? It may be available from the consortium catalog. The San Diego Circuit Member Libraries are: California State University at San Marcos, San Diego County Library, San Diego Public Library, San Diego State University, University of California at San Diego, and the University of San Diego. Click on
Circuit SD for information on how you can obtain books from these member circuit libraries.
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Can I call the library for help/reference services? Yes. Library staff can answer your questions at all of our branches via phone during regular business hours. You may call our general number at 619-236-5800 or your local branch. You may also submit your question via the Library’s website or email us directly at [email protected] with reference questions, questions about services or your account.
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San Diego Public Library will take you to the SDPL website. There you will find information about the branch libraries in the City of San Diego: their location, hours of operation, and a Calendar of events taking place at the branches in-person or virtually. Click on Bibliocommons to learn how to check out materials . When it asks you to sign in using your "barcode," it is asking for the barcode number that is listed on your library card, and... Continue Reading >