San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Wecome Sarah Hendy-Jackson

Sarah Hendy-Jackson

New to the San Carlos Branch Library, Hendy-Jackson was born in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Foothills town of Sonora, CA.  In 2005, Hendy-Jackson enrolled at UCSD—majoring in Literature and Linguistics, and then continued her graduate studies there in English Literature.  After discovering Library Science, she is rethinking her area of study. A part-time UCSD  instructor of freshman literature and composition, Hendy-Jackson has added Library Assistant to her resume and David Ege has asked her to assist him with  adult programing at our branch.  She would love to hear your programing suggestions ; email her at [email protected].
