San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Library Supporters–Take Action Now

This article will update you on an important executive order issued by the Trump Administration, that significantly reduces the IMLS (Institution of Museum & Library Services).

The following was shared with us by SDPL Director Misty Jones.

“I am sure most of you have heard the news that the Trump Administration has issued an executive order significantly reducing the IMLS. Below is an email from CLA (California Library Association) and a statement from ULC (Urban Libraries Council). Please feel free to share with your Friends groups and other networks.

Though we are not reliant on funding from IMLS for operations, SDPL has benefitted greatly from LSTA grants with projects such as IDEA Labs, Lunch at the Library, City Heights Early Learning Hub, Library NExT and the new outreach van and book bikes. The reduction or elimination of IMLS would be a significant blow to libraries and their patrons across the nation.”

Misty Jones (she/her)

City Librarian/Director

City of San Diego/San Diego Public Library

FROM CLA, A Call to Action:

“The Trump administration issued an executive order gutting the Institution of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and eliminating all of its non-statutory functions. The IMLS is the only federal agency that is dedicated to support and fund America’s libraries. California was the biggest recipient of IMLS funding in 2024, including nearly $16 million for libraries through the Grants to States program, an additional $1.8 million in other library grants and nearly $9 million for Museums.

CLA currently manages multiple federally-funded grants and elimination of IMLS funds directly affects our ability to serve our membership. As administered by the State Library, IMLS funds have supported statewide programs such as ebooks for all, teen workforce readiness, summer reading, early childhood development, Veterans services, rural and Tribal libraries, the Braille and Talking Book library, and more. In addition, grants to communities allow local agencies to target specific needs in their own jurisdictions.

While Grants to States are statutorily funded, it is critical that we preserve that statutory protection provided in the Museum and Library Services Act. Any threat to IMLS funding has massive implications for California Libraries. We need everyone to take action and fight to preserve the Institute of Museum and Library Services and their funding for libraries in every state.

How can you help?  Call your Representatives and Senators! Here’s a script you can use and feel free to customize: “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY]  I’m calling to demand that [REPRESENTATIVE OR SENATOR] oppose any efforts by the executive branch to dismantle or abolish the Institute of Museum and Library Services. It is essential to preserve IMLS services and funding, which in turn supports summer reading, workforce readiness, early childhood development and literacy, services to Veterans, the blind, rural and Tribal libraries, access to ebooks, and more. It also supports community grants to address local needs. This funding is critical for libraries to meet the needs of our communities. Thank you for your time and consideration.”

You can also check out efforts already underway with ALA and EveryLibrary:

CLA will be providing additional action items and resources for advocacy in the days to come.  IMLS funding is a tiny portion of the federal budget but has a huge impact in our communities. This is a critical time to share stories of the many ways your library supports and benefits the people you serve.”

Thank you,

Genesis Hansen
CLA President”

Statement from ULC: America’s public libraries call for Congress to stand up for

the Institute of Museum and Library Services

“As the organizations that collectively represent public libraries in the United States, the Association for Rural & Small Libraries, the Public Library Association, and the Urban Libraries Council oppose the Executive Order calling for the gutting of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), which will have disastrous consequences for America’s public libraries and their patrons across the country. We call on members of Congress to affirm the value of these community pillars by pushing the White House to rescind this order.

From literacy to workforce training to homeschooling resources to veterans’ services, IMLS provides a backbone for public libraries to support each and every American in communities, small and large. Representing .003% of the federal budget, IMLS funding delivers a tremendous return on its investment in this nation’s 17,000 public libraries through efficient administration by its staff and services.

As most funds are distributed through the “Grants to States” program, IMLS funding is closely tied to the needs of state and local libraries, making it a program with maximum efficiency and efficacy in all 50 states. For example, IMLS funds have upgraded internet speeds for library patrons in Whitefish, Montana; provided Braille books for the blind in Louisiana; and education kits for homeschool families in Choctaw County, Mississippi—projects driven locally, based on need.

Further, IMLS programs like the National Leadership grants power innovation that ensures libraries have resources to explore safe routes for children to their public library, expand new technology and AI adoption, and improve disaster preparedness.

IMLS must continue to operate as Congress intended, and all members of Congress must listen to their constituents and speak up for the value of public libraries and the essential services they provide.”


Dear United for Libraries Community – please take action now for libraries and spread the message below from the American Library Association. Call, write, and visit. Make sure Congress hears your library story.

For more information about the Executive Order Targeting IMLS, visit ALA’s FAQ.  Deborah Doyle, 2024-2026 United for Libraries President 

“Late Friday night, President Trump issued an executive order aimed to dismantle the only federal agency dedicated to funding library services, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). In short, this order would be deeply harmful for communities across the country. Millions of people rely every day on library services and programs supported by IMLS. Now we need YOU to show up for our libraries.

Tell Congress to protect library funding:  First, a bit of good news: Last week, Congress passed, and President Trump signed an appropriations law for fiscal year 2025. Thanks to your advocacy, that law provides level funding for IMLS to continue its vital programs this year.  But here’s the bad news. Although the appropriations law provides funding for IMLS, President Trump has instead directed the agency’s elimination. Although the President cannot fully eliminate IMLS without Congressional approval, President Trump’s order makes clear his goal to do so and takes every possible step in that direction in the meantime.

IMLS draws less than 0.003% of the annual federal budget yet has an enormous impact in communities nationwide. From technology classes for jobseekers to services for people with disabilities, from library delivery for older Americans to summer reading programs for families, IMLS funding makes a real, concrete difference in the lives of Americans every day.

The President’s executive order puts all of those services at risk—and so much more. Veterans, businesses, students, families, unemployed and underemployed people, disabled people, and seniors use services supported by IMLS. As seedbeds of education and innovation, our nation’s 125,000 public, school, academic, and special libraries deserve more, not less support.

 Act now for our libraries:  We need every library supporter to show up and make their voices heard. As we learn more in the coming days, we will keep you updated with opportunities to take action and show up for libraries.  Thank you for everything you do for libraries, library workers, and everyone they serve.  ALA’s Public Policy & Advocacy Team.”
