San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Marcy Andersen, SCFOL Secretary, 2024

  Marcy Andersen was elected to the San Carlos Friends of the Library Board in 2024, to replace our longtime Officer and Board Secretary, Evie McGhee.  Here is what Marcy tells us about her love of books, and how she became involved in SCFOL. We thank her for stepping up to fill this very important volunteer position.

“Marcy worked in hospitals her whole life in medical records-related management positions, in Illinois where she was born, and more recently in California.  She’s always been an avid reader as she was raised in a family of avid readers but didn’t have much time for it after marrying a man with 5 sons and 1 daughter.  After decades of working and being a Girl Scout leader, Marcy and her husband, Pete, a retired school administrator and competitive swimmer, moved to CA to be closer to their kids who were now living here.  Upon retiring from UCSD Health (about 2 years ago) Marcy knew only one thing for sure about her retirement:  That she wanted to be involved with the local library.  So she dropped by one day to meet “the sorters”.   She felt that she had met her people!

The sorters organize donated books and run monthly book sales to raise money for the eventual new San Carlos library building. After some months of this she also volunteered to serve on the board, where she happily enjoys fulfilling the role of secretary.

She and Pete deliver Meals on Wheels, and Marcy serves as a hospice volunteer.  She enjoys having lots of time to read, sorting/organizing/handling books, and especially getting to hang out with other friendly bibliophiles.  So many things in the world to read and learn about!  To paraphrase someone’s words:  So many books!  So little time.”