April 5 @ 9:30-3:00: SCFOL Used Book Sale
THANK YOU for your support of SCFOL. There was a minor price increase starting with the May sale…see below. We are still among the lowest prices anywhere.
We need your gently used book donations and your patronage at the Used Book Sales. Revenue from the SCFOL Used Book Sales is our primary funding source, but SCFOL Memberships and your donations also add to the funds that the Friends donate to the Branch, allowing the Library to purchase new materials, equipment and programs for all age groups.
We accept only CASH or CHECKS at all SCFOL Used Book Sales. Other payment methods require hardware, software, and training. They also charge the seller (SCFOL) a percentage of the sales. We prefer that all of the book sale revenues be used to support the needs of your library. Buy books! Ask for a Membership envelope from the book sale cashiers. And we can always use more VOLUNTEERS for the book sales. See how you can become a SCFOL Volunteer.
Bargain Prices
Mass Media Paperbacks: $1.00 each
Trade & Large Fiction Paperbacks: $2.00 each
Non-fiction paper & Hardbound: $2.00 each
Adult size Puzzles: priced as marked, under $5.00
Book-sets/special editions are individually priced.
Look for the price sticker on the book’s spine.
Children’s Books
Our Youth Corner is a favorite spot. We have LOTS of children’s books
Children/Young Adult Books: $0.50 each
Audio Visuals
Audio Books/Vinyl Records/ DVDs/ CDs: $1.00 each.
We also have DVD and CD sets: priced as marked.