San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

SCFOL Prez Sez: Bill Bischoff, 2024 Year-in-Review

  For me, this year, as President of the Friends of the San Carlos Branch Library, has been one of Challenges and Changes!

The year began with the 50th Birthday Celebration of the San Carlos Branch. The gathering of dignitaries, longtime patrons, friends and members emphasized that our branch is a keystone structure in the San Carlos Community. Our well received youth face painting and craft tables were a huge hit, and patrons enjoyed our historical displays.

SCFOL welcomed three new Life Members in 2024 whose names are displayed on the SCFOL Honor wall:  Sandi Calabough, Sue Dennis and Lisa King. As of November, our Life Members number 149 and our Annual memberships are 133, for a total of 282 members.

This year, we also  welcome three new Officers and Members to our Board of Directors: Bob Plaisted as Treasurer, Marcy Anderson as Secretary and Kathy Ruiz as Director of Membership. We also welcomed Jaxon Cox from Patrick Henry High School as our Youth Advisor, who brings his energetic enthusiasm. We thank them all for stepping up to volunteer for these important positions.

I wish to thank retiring Board Members, Secretary Evie McGhee, Treasurer Jerry Hotz and Membership Chair Barbara Dennis for their over 60  years of combined service and commitment to the SCFOL Board and for assisting in the transitions for the new members.

In early March we received a check from the Friends of the San Diego Public Library for $7,960.  This paid off to SCFOL the remainder of our loan to the Foundation that helped set up the bookstore at the Central Library.

We continue to thank Sue Hotz who keeps us all informed with timely updates to the website and information about the many activities of the library and the Friends. Also, our thanks to Linda Gidlund for her assistance with our Newsletters.  Thank you Board Member at Large, Dottie Vieira, for the constant support she provides, and our past presidents Judy Williams, Ann McDonald, and Joan Hayes for their assistance this year.

We thank Ron McFee and Sue Dennis for their heroic efforts each month that bring about our successful used book sales. Funds from these sales directly support the purchase of programs, materials and equipment for our branch.  I wish to thank SCFOL’s over 60 volunteers who made these events so outstanding. From January -October, 2024, they have donated 2419 hours to SCFOL.

As always, a tremendous THANK YOU to our Branch Manager David Ege,  Youth services Librarian Erin Moore, and the entire library staff for their cooperation and encouragement throughout  2024.

Above all, we thank the Navajo Area Community for their continued support as we look forward to 2025.

SCFOL President, Bill Bischoff