San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

SCFOL 2023-24 Outstanding Volunteers.

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 outstanding SCFOL volunteers, Marcy Andersen, Lara Ferguson, Leesa Mouw, and Kathy Ruiz. They were recognized at the June 8, 2024 FSDPL Annual Meeting.  These wonderful volunteers have given freely, many hours of their time and talents to SCFOL.  As of June 11, 2024, Andersen and Ruiz have also been elected to the SCFOL Board of Directors.

Marcy Andersen stepped into the position of SCFOL Officer and Board  Secretary.  Evie McGhee has retired from those positions after more than 20 years volunteering on the SCFOL Board and in other capacities.  Thank you Evie!

Kathy Ruiz also is joining the SCFOL Board.  In addition, Kathy will also be taking over the position of Membership Chair from our long standing volunteer, Bobbi Dennis.   Bobbi has served SCFOL for over 20 years as a Board Member and Membership Chair, as well as a smiling cashier at the monthly Book Sales.  Thank you Bobbi!