San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog


Children ages 0-5 can now receive their very own library card featuring “Odi the Coyote,” San Diego Public Library’s new mascot! Sign your child up for their first library card and take the first step in supporting their early literacy development and lifelong love of reading. Please bring a picture ID and address verification. More INFORMATION.

Visit your neighborhood library to enroll your child and they will receive:

“My First Library Card”
The opportunity to take their picture in an Odi Selfie Frame to share with family and friends,
and while supplies last, a copy of Odi’s Library Day and an Odi doll (for ages 3+). These will be available later, for purchase, at the Library Shop located at the downtown Central Library.