San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Did You Find ODI?

  Over 14,000 pins were collected by San Diego Library patrons during the Library Shop’s July, 2023, 5th annual summer Where’s ODI? @ SDPL scavenger hunt.  A small version of ODI was hidden in each of the 36 branches. Each branch created its own uniquely designed collectable pin. Over 150 patrons collected all 36 unique pins after finding ODI at all 36 branch libraries. WOW!  That kept those families busy during July!  ODI often visits the branches for special events.  He was present at the San Carlos Branch’s “We Bought the LOT ceremony on August 5, 2023.

Written by Hunter Hackett and illustrated by SDPL’s own Anisi Baigude, a Library Assistant at the North Clairemont Branch, Odi’s Library Day is a bilingual board book perfect for parents and their emerging little readers to build a lifelong connection to libraries and books. In the story, ODI (Opportunity, Discovery, Inspiration) the Coyote visits Central Library for the first time.  During Odi’s visit kids  receive their first library card, attend a story time where they learn all about kites, discover the Innovation Lab and create their own kite, and finally, Odi is seen flying the kite with story time friends and the iconic Coronado bridge in the background.  Copies of the book are available for sale at the Library Shop, or borrow the book from your favorite SDPL branch.

The Library Shop is owned and operated by the Library Foundation SD. All proceeds support the San Diego Public Library System. Library Foundation SD strengthens communities by supporting excellence in the San Diego Public Library system through philanthropy, advocacy and outreach.


