San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

JUNE 10: Annual FSDPL Meeting

  Join the friends of the San Diego Public Library on June 10, 9:30-noon, at the San Diego Central Library @ Joan ? Irwin Jacobs Common’s Shiley Suite, 9th Floor. To see all of the details including program specifics and speakers, click on FSDPL Annual Meeting Invitation 6.10.23 

Keynote speaker this year is Deanna Mackey, General Manager, KPBS.

All Friends are invited.  Please RSVP  ASAP to the Friends’ office.  Email: [email protected] or Phone: (619) 542-1724

This year’s Honored SCFOL Volunteers, who will be recognized at the meeting, are four of our awesome monthly SCFOL Used Book Sale Volunteers:

  • Jeff Coleman
  • Barbara Morgan
  • Sandy Williams
  • Victoria Matey

Congratulations!  We couldn’t do it without you and the many others who volunteer.
