San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Library Advocates: Your Immediate Help is Needed

  Dear Library Advocate,

We have one last chance to make sure that the City Council includes the Library’s priorities in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget.  Councilmember’s Final Budget Memos are due *next Friday* (May 26), and it’s vital that they include funding for

  •         8 full-time Youth Service Librarians,
  •          $250,000 to increase the Books and Materials budget, and
  •          $500,000 for a Library-controlled maintenance budget for all of the branch libraries combined.  This is less than ½ of the maintenance budget earmarked for the unoccupied Ash Street building.

Please write in, call in, and engage with your Councilmember to let them know that We Love our Library and We Vote!

Updated language for emailing the Mayor and Council can be found at
Information for calling City electeds (including an updated script) is at

Please take action today to make a better tomorrow.  This isn’t going to happen by itself.

Thank You, The Libraries Transform SD Coalition
