San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

Mayor’s Proposed 2024 Budget does NOT Include the San Carlos Branch Library

  Your help is needed!   Show your support for a new SCBL. 

We received this information from Councilmember Raul Campillo’s office.  He asked that it be shared with the Community so that we could take action to show its support for a new San Carlos Branch Library.  The efforts for and the promise of a new branch have been ongoing for over 30 years. January, 2024 will mark the 50th Anniversary of this branch.

From the office of Councilmember Raul Campillo: “I just wanted to share some information regarding the City’s annual budget review.  If you can share this with the San Carlos Area Council and any community groups that you believe can help in spreading the word I would greatly appreciate it.  Starting May 3, the City Council’s Budget Review Committee will review the Mayor’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2024. The proposed budget does not include an allocation for the San Carlos Library, so Councilmember Campillo needs the community’s help in advocating for this project in the budget. The following dates are opportunities for members of the community to advocate for the library:

·         Wednesday, May 3, 6:00pm – Public input session on the FY24 Proposed Budget

·         Thursday, May 4, 2:00pm – Library Department

·         Monday, May 8, 2:00pm – Capital Improvement Program

·         Wednesday, May 10, 6:00pm – Second public input session on the FY24 Proposed Budget

Please see a sample script below, that can be used in your comments, but feel free to personalize your remarks and speak about how much the new San Carlos Branch Library would mean to you. Only 1 min is allocated per speaker, so keep this in mind when preparing your remarks.

·        ”  Hi my name is (TBD) and I live in District 7. I am calling on the Mayor and Council to include funding for the new San Carlos Library in the upcoming budget. This project has been 30 years in the making and is finally ready to be constructed. This new flagship branch would provide much needed programming for our families and seniors in Navajo, and would make good on what was promised to the community in the 1990s. This library means so much to our community, and an upgraded branch is needed to meet the needs of this area of the City which has seen rapid growth over the past decade. I urge the Mayor and Council to not make the community wait even longer for this library to get built, and fund the new San Carlos Library in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget. Thank you. “

To participate (please consider one of the first three options if you have the opportunity to participate live, hearing the community’s unanimous voice in calling for this funding holds a lot of power):

·         In person, in Council Chambers on the 10th floor of City Hall, located at 202 C St, 92101, San Diego

·         Via Zoom:

·         Via phone: 1-669-254 5252 When prompted, input Webinar ID: 160 564 5569# (To raise your hand via phone-in please press *9 and unmute when the Clerk calls on you by pressing *6)

·         By submitting written comment:”