San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog


help neededWHERE: San Carlos Branch Library

WHEN: During the week to sort donated books and/or on the first Saturday of every month, for 2-3 hours from 9:00 am, until all of the non-purchased items are boxed up and put away. Many hands will make the job go faster.

QUALIFICATIONS: A love of libraries, books, and people.  A strong back helps too.  We would love to have some young people join us. We would be happy to write college letters of recommendations for teen volunteers. 

TO APPLY: Think you can help?  Please leave your name and contact information at the library, ATTENTION: Sue Dennis, SCFOL Volunteer Chair. 

BRING A FRIEND! We can give you volunteer hours that you may need for school, church or other organizations.