San Carlos Branch Library
Friends of the Library

San Carlos Branch Library
7265 Jackson Dr
San Diego, CA 92119

From the blog

PREZ SEZ: Joan Hayes, 2022-Year-in-Review

 It is hard to believe that my 7 years as President of SCFOL is coming to an end. It has been a pleasure to serve all of you. I am excited to have Bill Bischoff take the gavel. He will be a great President.  My thanks and gratitude to all the  members of the Board who have served with me.

COVID slowed us down for a long time as we all know. We were able to continue meetings through Zoom. Thanks to Evie McGhee for her diligence in taking minutes! We were able to keep up with the latest Library news of events and activities that were able to be occurring with COVID restrictions. Thanks to Sue Hotz who kept us updated on our website, . Memberships were purchased during the epidemic.  As of now we have 149 Annual SCFOL members and 140 Life members.   My thanks to Bobbi Dennis for keeping these records.

We have gotten back on track with the Friday Members Only book sale with the Fiction books available .  Special thanks to Ron McFee, Sue Dennis and Roberta Irwin for all their diligent work as well as all the additional volunteers who work during the book sale and book sorting.

Our beautiful art displays are back thanks to the expertise of Barbara Stewart in choosing outstanding artists to display their talents each month.

Many of our volunteers have returned since COVID restrictions were lifted.  We had a total of 1630 volunteer hours from Jan. through June. 1080.5 hours were given by book sale volunteers, 544 hours were given by Board members and 5.5 hours were miscellaneous.  Hats off to everyone!  Jerry Hotz, our very efficient Treasurer will give the amounts we have sent to the San Diego Public Library Foundation for Matching Funds.

Progress has been made on our new Library.  It has been a long time coming, but we are excited!

As my term ends, I want to again thank everyone who has supported me.  A greater group can not be found.

Joan Hayes

President, SCFOL (2015-2022)
